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How Does A Mind Map Promotes Learning?

Writer's picture: Dr. Limor LeibovitzDr. Limor Leibovitz

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

And what are the differences between mind maps and concept maps?

You must have heard, as educators and teachers, the concept of a "mind map."

This video belongs to the inventor of the unique method of using mind maps to promote:

Organization of knowledge exists in the learner

The connection between existing concepts and new concepts that the learner was familiar with in the lesson

Organization of prior knowledge with new knowledge

Cognitive psychology deals very much with knowledge construction.

in fact,

Cognitive psychology argues that visual representations (such as mind maps) enable learners to process new information and organize it to connect to the learner's existing knowledge.

One of the most practical and applied tools to make knowledge visible as the learners build it is the mind map.

The mind map is very personal and has minimal rules.

You will see in the film the particular method of Tony Bozen

It uses color gauges, shapes, images (small drawings), directions, and page space

To describe connections between topics.

He distinguishes between primary and secondary topics and adds words about the branches to characterize the learner's connections between these concepts.

The connections that can be seen right between the concepts promote learning because they are parallel to the way the mind connects things!

The memory includes different schematics linked together.

Agreements are the unique way a person organizes a great deal of information about the world to help him deal with new situations. It is an evolutionary development that enables survival, and learning is the mechanism that allows survival.

So how does all this relate to mind maps and learning?

Think of the knowledge stored in the brain as organized in related schemas in many different ways,

Tony Bozen calls them associations (connections = associations) (schemas = organized knowledge in the brain).

When I think of a historical figure, say, Ben-Gurion, I can tell many things about him that I have linked to the subject in my memory. When I remember, I approach my long-term memory through the many connections between agreements,

I will correctly answer complex questions about Ben Gurion's life if my knowledge is well organized in schemes that have connections. These schemes can be around Ben Gurion's life stories, pictures of his face, and pictures of him participating in Israeli heritage events. I can further answer complex questions and explain in detail the importance of Ben-Gurion in establishing the State of Israel.

If you are starting to teach a subject, do not settle for the traditional "Associations sun diagram." No more.

The associations-sun is too minimal. It allows connections between the main subject and secondary subjects. It lacks the complexity and richness of mind maps (they represent better the way the brain organizes information).


The lines in "Sun diagram" are straight and rigid and do not include words that explain the types of connections between the concepts.

Simple rules for building a mind map:

• Place an image or theme in the center of the page. Use images, colors, icons, and more.

• Select keywords and write them while sorting by primary and secondary,

Each word sits alone on a line that deviates from the central theme

• Connect the main image to the various subjects in a line that starts thick and ends thin,

The line is organic and flowing and encodes in its color according to the meaning

• Write words on the lines with each line drawn as the length of the word

• Maintain clarity while creating a harmonious circular shape, and maintain separation between subjects

Teach students to build a mind map according to Tony Bozen's rules.

Allow them to color-codify the different areas, the different topics, and the connections between them.

Allow them to use illustrations and cut-out pictures, or computer software (preferably with paper, colored pencils, and a good eraser), ask them to decide the thickness of the lines connecting the concepts, the size of the concept name (font), and the spelling (in print or writing). The size and color emphasize the difference between different issues, between loose ties and brave ties, and so on.

The richer the students' visual language and the greater the meaning of each line, color, thickness, texture, etc.

Here's how:

1. A deeper understanding of the student's retirement of the subject (first of all to himself - what he knows about the subject, and what else I lack and I need to learn)

Retirement of the class' previous knowledge on the subject

3. Promote students' visual literacy.

They will be able to be independent learners who can map prior knowledge, find out what types of connections they form between pieces of knowledge, and also-

They will be able to decipher the mind maps of others, ask others questions about their mind map, as a new language will develop in your classroom-

This language will use visual representations for constructive learning purposes, which suites learners' expectations, a language that groups can use for collaborative learning effectively.

An example of a mind map built-in Imindmap software in the field of Bible content, Shmuel A., In preparation for a fifth-grade test:

I wrote up here the very personal thinking map.

And I also wrote that it allows a look at the organization of knowledge in the student's memory.

I also mentioned how to use the map in teaching.

I hinted at the possibility of one learner deciphering a map of another learner.

Teachers can apply mind maps as a tool at any stage of a lesson or subject: beginning, middle, and end as a summative assessment. It will be interesting for learners to see their personal development in learning through the map we have built throughout learning.

And even more interesting for us educators-

Develop alternative assessment tools that include reference to mind maps.

To do this, we educators must be experts in reading visual texts and deciphering them in the teaching-learning context. I see this as an essential task today in the visual age of the 21st century.

Concept maps are diagrams that are not very personal but require the creator to be more communicative towards others. Getting a reader to understand your map is the next step-

To move from a state of organizing the knowledge I have to manage concepts requires some different skills.

Let's go back to the example of the subject "Ben-Gurion." It is a map that will organize the existing knowledge on the issue so that an expert would construct it, using categories and characteristics unique to the historical, social, political, and economic field related to the man.

You must have understood the complexity and richness of the visual representation in teaching and the difference between the concept-

Mind map

And a map of concepts. Expandable.

This distinction from the article:

Martin Davies, (2011) Concept mapping, mind mapping, and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? High Educ, 62: 279–301.

One excellent article, which is very worth getting to know, links the concept map to all good teaching that promotes meaningful learning. By Prof. Novak and Prof. Cana of Florida, 2008

Promoting concept map: assessment of learner knowledge before and after learning, research, interdisciplinary learning curriculum, fluency of verbal presentation of a topic by learners, collection and interpretation of information collected by the learner, organization of information in diverse media such as video, photographs, and drawings on the subject and more

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Good luck, 21st-century teachers

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