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  • Missed the Bus? Preparing for the School Year in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    * The image is created using stable diffusion Let's talk about how quickly the world is changing around us. You know as well as I do that the AI Bus has not just left the station, it's picking up speed every day. Just the other day, a colleague shared in one of our many AI-focused WhatsApp groups that he introduced his students to ChatGPT. The students' response? "Why do we even need exams if ChatGPT knows it all?" That question has been haunting me ever since. So here's the deal— If you decide to showcase the astonishing capabilities of AI chatbots in answering a wide array of questions at lightning speed, be prepared. Your students will quickly realize they have a powerful tool that can answer any question you throw at them. But let's not forget, these AI answers can sometimes be pure gibberish. In this scenario, we, the teachers, risk becoming obsolete in the eyes of our students. All they think they need to do is use the chatbot to sidestep the whole "learning" process. And this isn't just a problem for those who've introduced chatbots in class; it's a universal issue. Like I said, the AI Bus is already miles down the road. We're entering a new, exhilarating technological era in education. The first was the internet's integration into classrooms, complete with search engines, digital content, online courses, and, of course, Wikipedia. Now, as we usher in AI tools, we're looking at two possible scenarios: Old Guard vs. New Blood: Some teachers will cling to traditional methods, discouraging AI use in classrooms while emphasizing rote memorization. This will only alienate students and make educational institutions less relevant than ever. The fallout? Increased dropout rates and a potential societal divide. Teachers and Students as Co-Creators: In a course I recently led, called "AI in the Classroom," we had teachers and students collaboratively inventing new ways to integrate AI into education. The outcome was a sense of empowerment and mutual respect. However, the challenge lies in implementing these solutions within the existing school framework. Pioneering Educators Take the Lead: Numerous WhatsApp and Facebook groups are buzzing with educators who are trailblazers in integrating AI into education. If you haven't joined one yet, now's the time. The pace of change is unprecedented, and the risk of falling behind is far greater than the potential downsides. So, my dear colleagues, our relevance come September 1, 2023, hinges on how we spent this August. It's time to fill those knowledge gaps and get hands-on experience with AI tools. The risk of lagging behind far outweighs any potential gains from sticking to the status quo. Register and tell us how you are Preparing for the School Year in the Age of Artificial Intelligence! Additional Information: Register on the site for email notifications and to leave comments. You can also book a lecture on ChatGPT technology and educational innovation. Best wishes to all 21st-century educators!

  • Revolutionizing Research Processes with AI Tools - Part Two

    This article serves as a sequel to Part I and aims to assist educators in steering research projects that creatively integrate artificial intelligence applications. The objective is to make scholarly endeavors more engaging and pertinent for today's high school students, often referred to as the Alpha generation. The underlying premise is that robots won't supplant us. Rather, as the educational vanguards of this era, it's imperative that we identify innovative ways to leverage robotics for various tasks that enhance human life. After all, the spirit of exploration is intrinsic to our human nature. From the invention of the wheel to present-day advancements, humanity has consistently demonstrated its capacity for groundbreaking knowledge and creativity. Each generation manages to challenge the status quo in multifaceted ways, as you can read more about in our site's news channel. While the notion of a self-exploring robot may still be far-fetched, it's human curiosity that fuels progress. Our students are coming of age in this dynamic landscape, and it's our responsibility to equip them for the realities they will face. Curiosity is the engine of research. To immerse our students in the 'researcher's lifestyle' within the classroom, we need to guide them through a series of steps: Develop a compelling question that doesn't have a straightforward answer. Dive deep into the subject matter from credible sources to evaluate their relevance and identify gaps in existing research. This step is crucial for refining the initial question and forming research hypotheses. I covered these first two steps in Part 1 of this series. Now, let's move on to the remaining steps: 3. Gather field data through interviews, online research, and observations, depending on the research question and field. 4. Process and analyze this data iteratively, refining sub-questions and testing hypotheses. 5. Answer the research question while adhering to scientific research standards. 6. Compose the research report, citing sources and following field-specific guidelines. Be open to critique and use it to improve and plan future research endeavors. Here are some more detail for further practice to revolutionize research processes with AI tools today: 3. Gather field data through interviews, online research, and observations, depending on the research question and field. Once students have a well-defined research question and a solid understanding of the topic, we can assist them in data collection and analysis. The thrill lies in the journey to the field! Various research methods and tools extend beyond the scope of this brief post. So, I'll share two examples to inspire the integration of creative AI tools in your guided research: Example 1: Utilizing existing online databases and analyzing them with AI tools offers the advantage of rapid, large-scale data processing. AI excels in trend identification, a skill invaluable to future researchers. I highly recommend exposing students to current AI applications in various research fields. As for the tools, I used the Cloud 2 application, developed by the same engineers behind Chat GPT. I chose it for its Hebrew language support and file-upload capabilities without requiring additional plugins. Note: If you're installing it, you may need to use a VPN set to the USA or England. The pace of change is rapid, so stay tuned for updates! I accessed the to obtain data tables for this experiment. It's crucial for students to anonymize participant information when gathering data through questionnaires, given the privacy concerns associated with AI tools, which learn from the data inputted. I uploaded the file to the Claude application and began querying it. For advanced students, you can pose research questions (as outlined in the first section of Post one) and refer to the research hypotheses (from the second section in Post one). For instance, you can instruct the AI to identify data relevant to your research question or to confirm or refute hypotheses based on the data provided. This is an excellent opportunity to teach students how to distill broad questions into more focused queries. Caution: Ensure there's ample data for analysis; otherwise, the AI may produce misleading results. Encourage students to critically evaluate the answers they receive. The second example involves collecting data through surveys distributed via social media. AI tools can help craft compelling social media posts to encourage participation. For instance, if I'm studying teenage dietary habits and wish to circulate a survey, I can seek assistance from the chatbot, as demonstrated in the following video- In the video, for the sake of brevity, I didn't engage the AI in a dialogue to explore alternative responses. However, it's highly recommended to iterate with the chatbot to refine the output before dissemination. You may have noticed that I didn't type my queries; instead, I spoke them. A pro tip for those who'd like to dictate to the machine is to use a Chrome extension called TalkBerry. You can activate it in your preferred language directly within the ChatGPT interface, just above the text input field. While the voice output may sound a bit robotic, it's a useful feature for both accessibility and convenience. Furthermore, the data gathered from student-distributed surveys can later be imported into chat tools for analytical assistance, as previously illustrated in the first example. 4. Addressing the Research Question Crafting paragraphs that answer the research question, based on data collected from databases or surveys, is a labor-intensive task requiring deep analytical and conceptual skills. Students should skillfully integrate the information they've reviewed in step 2 with the data collected and analyzed in step 3. Encourage them to write and analyze these paragraphs themselves, as this is a crucial part of the learning journey. You can then consult the chatbot to identify logical gaps or to refine the language for academic writing. Text can be uploaded to Cloud 2 for feedback. If you provide a slider tool, the machine can offer suggestions for improvement. On a personal note, writing my PhD involved multiple drafts, a process that can now be streamlined with the help of AI, saving valuable time for educators. 5. Crafting the Research Report Adhering to the specific writing style of the academic field is essential. At this stage, the chatbot can serve as a writing coach, offering feedback based on field-specific rules. Idea A: Use examples of excellent and subpar research papers to train the machine. Engage in conversations with the AI to derive insights that can be used as evaluation metrics for new submissions. Idea B: Discuss key performance indicators with students and tailor them to the type of work being written. Draft a prompt to train the machine into a personalized writing advisor. Always continue the chat in the same sequence to maintain context. 6. Peer Review and Self-Awareness Encourage students to use research-oriented platforms like for peer review. Since the machine is perceived as neutral, students may be more open to its feedback. It's crucial to note that all these are initial experiences and merely suggestions. The implementation is up to each educator, in collaboration with their students. Register and tell us how you revolutionized research processes with AI tools! Additional Information: Register on the site for email notifications and to leave comments. You can also book a lecture on ChatGPT technology and educational innovation. Best wishes to all 21st-century educators!

  • Should education in artificial intelligence literacy be provided?

    Around nine years ago, when I joined the Division for ICT and Technologies in Education, I was involved in crafting and revising a document that outlined what "technological and digital literacy" means and how it should be imparted in educational settings. Fast forward to today, digital literacy serves as the foundation for a new form of literacy—Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy. In this blog post, I'll first share a 2020 definition of AI literacy and then open up a dialogue about how this definition might need to be updated. I'll also offer some suggestions for how we can cultivate AI literacy among children, adolescents, and adults. The term "literacy" has been in existence for nearly 25 years and has earned a respected position in educational conversations. It originated from the New London Group's 2000 call for the establishment of Multiliteracies in society. Since then, the scope of what it means to be literate has broadened significantly. In the educational sector, we're actively working on enhancing various forms of literacy—mathematical, linguistic, scientific, financial, and visual literacy (the latter being the focus of my PhD and a major theme on my website). Given the advent of generative AI in 2022, it's not surprising that the concept of literacy has been extended to include it. But what does that entail? I found some insights into this question from an article that I converted into a presentation, which I've been sharing with educators for several months now. The article is titled "What is AI Literacy? Competencies and Design Considerations," published in 2020. It aggregates various works that aim to define AI literacy. It's worth noting that this article predates the recent surge in generative AI technologies, so it should be viewed as a foundational piece rather than a cutting-edge guide. Nonetheless, it offers valuable insights. According to the article, AI literacy is described as a set of skills that enable individuals to critically assess AI technologies, effectively communicate and collaborate with AI, and utilize AI tools for work, learning, and communication. The article emphasizes the close relationship among AI literacy, digital literacy, and information literacy, a connection I also highlighted in my presentation slides in my workshops on why education in artificial intelligence literacy is crucial in today's world. The article's authors argue that digital literacy and information literacy are essential for anyone utilizing artificial intelligence applications. I wholeheartedly concur. In today's world, where anyone can create websites, apps, articles, artwork, music, and even full-length films with ease, as if they had specialized programming skills, it's crucial to exercise critical thinking alongside digital literacy. However, the authors of the 2020 article didn't consider machine learning, scientific literacy, or coding skills to be important for users. I set this viewpoint aside, primarily because the article is somewhat outdated. Now, let's pause to discuss the triad of literacies: artificial intelligence literacy, information literacy, and digital literacy. Artificial intelligence literacy is comprised of a set of competencies and knowledge across four distinct categories: 1. Understanding AI Concepts When we talk about understanding concepts, we mean declarative knowledge. This involves: Differentiating between AI-driven and non-AI applications Grasping the distinction between human and artificial intelligence Recognizing that AI is interdisciplinary, encompassing cognitive systems, robotics, and machine learning Differentiating between narrow and general AI 2. Knowing How to Utilize AI Before diving into the plethora of AI tools available. one should: Understand the strengths and limitations of various AI tools, with a focus on generative AI Experiment with different tools while applying critical thinking and failure detection Contemplate the future implications of a world saturated with AI 3. Understanding AI Mechanisms It's crucial to understand how AI systems like cognitive systems, robotics, and machine learning function. For instance: Recognizing that cognitive systems translate real-world information into computer language Understanding that AI decision-making systems are often 'black boxes,' necessitating explainable AI Being aware of the stages and challenges in machine learning The article also emphasizes the importance of critical engagement with AI, including understanding how machines learn and process information, which is vital for addressing copyright issues, biases, and errors. 4. Ethical Considerations in an AI-Driven World I t's crucial to discuss ethical aspects of AI, such as: Privacy and tracking Job loss Misinformation The potential for singularity AI-based decision-making Representation and diversity Algorithmic biases Transparency Discrimination prevention I've also added a futuristic element: understanding Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) to provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities. So, what are your thoughts? Should AI literacy be part of the school curriculum, or will students adapt on their own as they usually do? Some of my upcoming posts will delve into these topics, offering actionable suggestions and discussion points for classroom settings: Do You Fear Artificial Intelligence? 3 Strategies for Incorporating Text-to-Image AI Tools in the Classroom Revolutionizing Research Processes with AI Tools Please register as a member of the site to receive notifications to your email and write comments at the end of the post. Click here to join - Log In. Additionally, remember that you can also order an inspiring lecture on ChatGPT technology and innovation in education today. Good luck to all 21st-century teachers!

  • Revolutionizing Research Processes with AI Tools - Part One

    One common criticism of large natural language models based on artificial intelligence, such as Chat GPT, is that they hinder students' learning abilities and make it challenging for teachers to assign research papers as a learning product. However, I believe the opposite is true. In this post (and a subsequent one), I will outline a structured research process that incorporates various applications, aiming to transform learners into researchers in their field of study. In fact, the methods I will propose will make any research work much more engaging and relevant for the current generation of high school students. One common criticism of large natural language models based on artificial intelligence, such as Chat GPT, is that they hinder students' learning abilities and make it challenging for teachers to assign research papers as a learning product. However, I believe the opposite is true. In this post (and a subsequent one), I will outline a structured research process that incorporates various applications, aiming to transform learners into researchers in their field of study. In fact, the methods I will propose will make any research work much more engaging and relevant for the current generation of high school students. First, to Revolutionizing Research Processes with AI Tools, let's consider the learning objectives within the inquiry-based learning paradigm. Unlike traditional teaching methods that emphasize memorization and rote learning of definitions and concepts, inquiry-based learning requires the learner to be highly active – essentially "experiencing the life of a researcher" in the classroom under the teacher's guidance. Broadly speaking, it involves the learner's ability to: 1. Formulate an intriguing question that doesn't have a predetermined answer. 2. Delve into the subject matter from reliable sources, assessing whether they might help answer the research question and identifying gaps in existing research knowledge. This step is crucial for refining the initial research question and formulating research hypotheses. 3. Gather information from the field through interviews, online research, and observations (depending on the nature of the research question and the field), process and organize the collected information into meaningful insights, and analyze it in a continuous and in-depth iterative process, specifying sub-questions and making initial attempts to confirm or refute hypotheses. 4. Answer the research question while adhering to the standards of quality scientific research. 5. Write the research report according to the conventions used in the field, citing sources, including sections of the research report, etc. 6. Remain open to criticism of the research, methodology, and conclusions, learn from the feedback, make improvements, and plan for future research. Cultivating the mindset of an independent learner who believes in their ability to learn and grow through critical inquiry is no small feat. Such a learner should be aware of their biases, weaknesses in the research method, and unanswered questions that their research does not address. These are some of the qualities that need to be fostered in our students to implement this learning approach in the classroom. It's clear that this process involves a wealth of skills, a critical perspective, and the ability to apply reflection while adhering to the standards used in the researched field. All of these will be enhanced in a learning context that incorporates new tools and applications of artificial intelligence, as I will demonstrate shortly. Let's get started! 1.Formulate an intriguing question that doesn't have a predetermined answer An innovative approach to addressing this challenge could involve the integration of Chat GPT tools or other large language modeling tools (such as Bard, Claude, Ruby, Bing, etc.). So, how can we employ these tools to identify the research question we'll begin with? Here's one example: 1. Collaborate with students to craft a prompt that aids in arriving at the research question. 2. Request the chatbot to assume the role of an inquisitive child who poses numerous questions. 3. Narrow the conversation topic to the area you wish to explore (e.g., global warming). 4. Prompt the chatbot to discuss the topic with us and pose questions (you can also upload current articles in PDF format or provide links to specific websites to focus the conversation; it's also beneficial to connect the chatbot to the internet for more current and accurate responses). 5. Offer feedback to the chatbot regarding the quality of the questions and refine the conversation as it progresses. 6. Consolidate the most intriguing questions and rephrase them. 7. Request the chatbot to propose additional directions for the questions. 8. Seek assistance from the chatbot in evaluating the question based on standard parameters in the content field. 9. Select the question we'll begin with and document a reflection on the process thus far. You can propose alternative methods for arriving at interesting questions through further interactions with the chatbot or discussions with classmates. I would appreciate it if you shared your ideas in the comments section of this post. After settling on an agreed-upon phrasing and explaining the choice to your peers or yourself, indicate how artificial intelligence tools were utilized and assess their contribution to this part of the process. It's crucial to conceptualize with students the added value of using these tools and the newly acquired skills, alongside the potential loss of other skills in the process. Reflection is vital for this innovative learning approach. Proceeding to the next step: 2. Gathering information from the web related to the selected research question to deepen the understanding of the researched topic, identify information gaps, refine the research question, and formulate research hypotheses. Since large language models based on statistics learn from information freely available on the web, which may not necessarily be research-based, their use for finding information for research is not recommended due to biases and hallucinations. For more information, see this post. At this stage, it is advisable to use artificial intelligence tools that are connected to sources agreed upon by researchers in the fieldthe following video presents the possibilities of gaining control and precision in creating paragraphs based on research-based information. using This step is crucial in the research process, but if your students let the machine do everything, what will they learn from the process? At this point, it's highly beneficial to include a significant step where students deepen their knowledge in the field and organize that knowledge in their own human memory. I propose using artificial intelligence once again (!!!) to train the students and help them establish their knowledge in the researched field. Studies show that deep learning is effective when learners have to retrieve knowledge and apply it in new situations, which is exactly what I'm suggesting now. So, how can we deepen human understanding using AI tools? I recommend writing a new prompt for the chat and asking it to train me, the learner, on the knowledge by constructing questions at different knowledge levels. Start with easy questions about key concepts, and then continue asking about processes, challenges, and unresolved issues. All of these should appear in the text that the machine helped the learner write in the first step. Draft a prompt asking the student to play the role of a teacher in the field of inquiry. Enter the text formulated in the previous step as the learning source for the deep understanding step (by pasting or attaching a PDF file). Ask the chat to ask you knowledge questions about the text and give you feedback if you knew the answer. Add an instruction that every time you made a mistake, the chat would reformulate an easier question, and if you answered correctly, continue to more difficult questions. Give feedback on the questions and continue until you feel that you have mastered the text. You can continue at this stage with additional texts and the like. You can also use tools like , where you can add a file/topic/video and ask the artificial intelligence to build you (in seconds) a course for learning the topic found in the file. The course can be designed and edited, and of course, save you the time of drafting the prompts. In the next post in the series, I will continue to describe the next steps. In the meantime, you can register as a member of the site to receive notifications to your email and write comments at the end of the post. Click here to join - Log In. Additionally, remember that you can also order an inspiring lecture on ChatGPT technology and innovation in education today. Good luck to all 21st-century teachers!

  • Rethinking Puentedura's SAMR model in the AI Era

    Not long ago, a teacher asked me about making transformative shifts in teaching methods in this era of AI. That's when Dr. Ruben Puentedura's SAMR model came to my mind. The SAMR framework outlines four pathways for incorporating tech into the classroom: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Check out this video for an exclusive chat with Dr. Ruben Puentedura himself. I'll illustrate in straightforward terms how certain operations and digital applications functioned before the advent of AI, alongside examples of the same operations enhanced by AI tools. For ease of understanding, let's focus on writing as a form of learning documentation. Writing aids both short-term and long-term memory and serves as a tool for learners to process information. Often, the written text becomes a tangible outcome of the learning process. 1. Substitution (SAMR) Writing is a fundamental activity in our learning routines. It involves a blend of hand-eye coordination, visual information intake, and deeper cognitive processes like rephrasing, interpreting, and showcasing learned material in new ways. These actions enhance memory retention and deep learning. In the pre-digital age, we used notebooks to jot down key points, add illustrations, and sometimes even create mind maps with colored markers. Digital Substitution in Modern Times: Classrooms today commonly use applications like OneNote, Google Docs, or Microsoft Word. While these platforms are increasingly incorporating AI, they can also function at a basic level where typing replaces handwriting. This is particularly useful for young students who are just getting acquainted with digital writing. Teachers often prefer digital submissions to avoid deciphering illegible handwriting. However, it's worth noting that digital writing eliminates the cognitive benefit of doodling. More on that can be found here. 2. Augmentation (SAMR) Digital writing goes beyond mere substitution by offering features like spell-check, synonym suggestions, translations, easy editing, and cloud storage. Additional tools like Grammarly can further enhance writing, especially for non-native English speakers. These digital platforms foster skills in collaboration, application usage, and information literacy. They also offer multiple ways for students to engage with material, aligning with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. For instance, a student can record their answer if they struggle with typing, or opt to listen to instructions instead of reading them." Feel free to click here for more information on the UDL approach. 3. Modification (SAMR) While it might be premature to fully grasp the redefining impact of AI, it's worth exploring its role in writing and knowledge processing. AI applications can perform tasks like auto-summarization, sentence completion, and tone adjustment. For instance, can record and summarize spoken content during a learning session. Although not designed for educational settings, similar functionalities exist in Microsoft Teams. Moreover, the capabilities of ChatGPT 3.5, released in November 2022, include sentence completion, automatic editing, and more. These features assist in individual or group learning journeys. The Changing Landscape The phrase "Technology writes alongside us" encapsulates the transformation. Chatbots can assist in a myriad of tasks, from birthday greetings to career planning. Recommended AI Tools: Ideal for lesson planning in Hebrew Generates a full course from a provided file or video Creates courses from simple phrases or words Caution: While chatbots are useful, they have limitations and biases. Always critically evaluate their output. Safe Usage Guidelines for ChatGPT While morning news often warns that advanced language models like these could replace human writers in fields such as journalism and speechwriting, there's no immediate cause for alarm. The reality is that skilled writers with valuable insights won't be easily replaced. Instead, they can leverage these AI tools to expedite research, assist in translation, and explore countless creative applications. I argue that it's crucial for us to harness our creativity to reimagine essential learning processes. If we don't adapt quickly, we risk being replaced, regardless of our profession. Teachers concerned about AI affecting students' writing skills can use various tools to verify the originality of students' work. For instance, using OpenAI's AI classifier can help, especially for English texts. Teachers can also have students present their work, which encourages thorough preparation and understanding of the subject matter. If we've already changed the writing landscape by introducing AI assistants that challenge the status quo, what's the next step in innovation? 4. Redefinition (SAMR) I cautiously note that virtual guardians, which bring AI into our daily lives, pose a threat to traditional teaching roles. For example, Read&Write is a tool that aids in writing and daily tasks like reading text aloud and proofreading. This is a step toward redefining writing by introducing a virtual entity that acts like a real teacher. For those concerned about the shortage of 4,500 teachers in Israel, perhaps this offers a solution. In a previous post, I showcased a video of Kahan Academic's virtual teacher, Kahan Amigo, who guides students in online courses. I've also discussed the development of social robots by Dr. Goren Gordon at Tel Aviv University, another avenue for enhancing classroom teaching, especially for younger students. This challenge is only in its initial stages. Therefore, I invite you to join me in redefining the role of technology in classrooms. Choose a task relevant to your work or study, find an AI-based application for it, and reinvent that task. We'd love to hear about your experiences. Register and tell us how you are Rethinking Puentedura's SAMR model in the AI Era. Additional Information: Register on the site for email notifications and to leave comments. You can also book a lecture on ChatGPT technology and educational innovation. Best wishes to all 21st-century educators!

  • 3 Strategies for Incorporating Text-to-Image AI Tools in the Classroom

    The abundance of tools available today to each of us to create images, diagrams, videos and presentations seems endless. But, those who have tried even one or two of them can say that it is a process of experimentation and many drafts. Sometimes even abandoning the tool before reaching the desired result. Sometimes we also settle for what we got because we ran out of free trials and didn't want to pay. When introducing these tools into the classroom, the development of Artificial Intelligence Literacy of our students and the special characteristics of the Generative AI- Text to Image medium should also be taken into account. That is, to engage (at least) in these topics: Understanding the medium itself - how can the machine produce an image for us from a text (prompt)? How to correctly activate the medium - how do you formulate a suitable prompt for the type of application we have chosen? Limitations of the medium - how do you ensure copyright protection and fair use of works? Now I will expand a little on three tips for integrating "text-to-image" artificial intelligence in the classroom: In order to understand the first topic, I suggest showing the students a video like the following explanation referring to the Dall-E application of the Open AI company Another recommended activity is to write a prompt and insert it into two different applications.For example Stable Deffusion and Dall-E2If you enter the prompt:Painting in oil on canvas, of a woman with a baby inspired by the artist Elmer Borlongan In the Dall-E application, images are obtained in the style of the artist, with the figures of the mother and the baby characterized by Asian facial features. The colors of the painting are warm, and the baby is wrapped in cloth. The textures of the painting convey a feeling of softness and warmth, but their facial features do not suggest joy in all the 4 possibilities that the application gave us here. However, when I put the same prompt into the Stable Deffusion Online application These 3 results were obtained: A number of differences are evident in the images compared to the Dall-E2 applicationThe woman's hair is drawn more realistically, but there is some distortion in the facial features. The nature of the brushstrokes is different and there is much more care in the lighting of the painting, as if the artist dramatically illuminated the figures while working on the painting in the studio. The drawing of the fingers of the hands of the two characters is extremely distorted - something that is a very strong hint that the drawing is not original, but was created using artificial intelligence. The comparison between the machines can lead to a discussion about the data on which the models were trained. It is possible that the differences between the works on which the AI models were adapted are the reason for the differences, along with different characteristics of the models themselves. When looking at the original painting by the artist and appears on the Google Arts and Culture website It is possible to notice the background that gives the context of a period and additional information about the figures, the precise details of the clothing, the rocking chair and the afternoon shadow in the window designed in the wall behind the figures are evident. Also, it is possible to notice the facial expression of the child and the father and imagine the family situation that the painting tries to represent to us viewers. In the example above I used this painting as a source of inspiration but only gave the title of the painting and the name of the artist. You can practice in class adding a detailed description of the background, characteristic details for the characters, the colors of the clothes and different textures. The richer the description of the painting requested from the machine and uses the language of art (a picture is worth a thousand words. Remember- we will get a result close to our request. This is a visual literacy skill but in reverse! We usually used to describe the artist's painting with (a thousand) words. Today we need to describe in words a painting in the hope of getting the result we expected. And this is exactly part of artificial intelligence literacy - the ability to describe a desired image in words.It is very important to promote this skill in the classroom. I also argue that there is a gap between what artificial intelligence is able to produce by the rapid process of mechanized reproduction. I will immediately explain why I think so. The AI model primarily takes in a handful of distinct features (though we're responsible for providing these details) and then generates a replica for us. A classroom conversation about the noticeable distinctions between the creations of the machines and the artist can be enlightening. Such a discussion can highlight our understanding, insights, and an exploration of the benefits and challenges of coexisting with artificial intelligence. Regarding the second issue - understanding how the machine operates, it is important to actually experience the production of images within a classroom context, in a task aimed at achieving the goals of the lesson. For example - in a lesson aimed at revealing social perceptions and perspectives on an event in the company of children (even the one that happened yesterday during recess), the students can be asked to produce an image using One of the applications you will choose that does not require registration, describing the situation from their point of view. Conversation around the pictures can help express perceptions, feelings and points of view directly, and give the educator new tools to create a healthy conversation in the company of children. Each of the applications that allow you to create an image from text has rules for formulating an appropriate prompt. A quick search on the net will yield you dozens of explanatory videos and brochures with suggestions for excellent formats. I suggest starting with Remember that first you need to know how to describe the image you want to create. Such writing requires the ability to observe as well as formulate the desired description in words. Your students will really like this site - (requires registration with an email) because the site also has scatch options to create personal drawings converted to any style the creator chooses. Here I scathed 2 oranges surfing the waves and the AI model converted them to a vivid picture... The third subject delves into copyright concerns and the potential detriment to individuals and the broader society (the topic of fake news can also be touched upon, though I'll address it in a distinct article). Drawing from the instance of the artist's painting influenced by classical art, I prompted two distinct machines to craft a new image. It's evident that this infringes on the copyrights of the artists involved, both contemporary creators and those from the past. Such matters are currently being debated in courts globally, and there's a significant likelihood that the approach to copyrights will undergo a transformation. Link to an article relevant to the class discussion Examining Spotify's approach suggests that copyright concerns regarding live artists can be addressed innovatively. Such solutions could significantly influence the realms of art, graphic design, and creativity. It's valuable to bring up these topics in educational settings, especially if they remain newsworthy. This could also reshape the way creative professionals operate. Historically, these roles were viewed as the least susceptible to the influences of industrialization and technological advancements. Yet, now it's my moment to weigh in. The conversation can also touch upon the merits of human-made art and explore how artists can leverage this emerging medium to redefine artistic expression. A wonderful and recent example that I met at the MOMA museum in Manhattan New York about a month ago belongs to the artist Refic Anadol who took all the works in this huge and important museum and encoded their characteristics into a computer. All this enormous information was processed by the computer into an artistic language of dynamic performance. I feel compelled to mention that my museum visit, particularly in light of the critique regarding the use of artists' works for machine training that infringes on copyrights, prompted me to ponder the innovative avenues artists could explore. If they adeptly harness the modern tools of this era, they can continue to produce aesthetically pleasing works that resonate with a broad audience, just as they always have. At the exhibition, numerous individuals were captivated by the artwork, unable to divert their gaze. Truly, it was an artistic journey in the era of artificial intelligence. I invite you to Log In to the site and participate in the conversation about the post. In addition, remember that you can book an inspiring lecture Also on ChatGPT technology and innovation in education today. Good luck 21st century teachers!

  • Do You Fear Artificial Intelligence?

    Consider this - if Apollo 11, with its processing power significantly inferior to your smartphone, could reach the moon, where might we go with the computational capabilities of artificial intelligence models being developed by tech giants like Open AI and Google? Just like the pioneers of space travel trusted technology to carry them beyond our atmosphere and to the moon, we are now embarking on a journey beyond the limits of human intelligence, into the realm of artificial intelligence. In a way, artificial intelligence represents our 'collective human intellect', wrapped in a dynamic package that adjusts itself to meet every demand. It's almost like a genie from the legends. Indeed, it's an exciting encounter with a fully applicable 'collective human intellect'. Everything we've done so far, whether in work or studies, can now be accomplished more efficiently and swiftly. We've received the power multiplier we've been hoping for, something we've demanded from the high-tech industry with the utopian belief that technology will fix everything we've messed up and allow us to continue to thrive. For instance, a team of researchers from Hadassah, under the leadership of Dr. Shai Rosenburg, has successfully developed an artificial intelligence algorithm. This algorithm is capable of identifying a set of mutations that contribute to cancer in 50% of the cancerous growths in the population. This significant breakthrough paves the way for future personalized treatments tailored specifically for individuals carrying these mutations. This information is sourced from "Haaretz", a reputable news outlet. As educators, understanding these advancements in medical technology can be instrumental in teaching students about the intersection of technology and healthcare, particularly in the field of oncology. The development of AI algorithms for disease detection signifies a monumental step forward in personalized medicine and offers a fascinating topic of study. Artificial Intelligence (AI), often referred to as the "new oil," has amassed a vast amount of human knowledge, enabling us to harness collective wisdom for our benefit. However, this utopian vision brings with it a wave of apprehension, particularly for those of us in the workforce and in the field of education. The employment landscape is undergoing seismic shifts, with an estimated 300 million people worldwide at risk of losing their livelihoods. In Israel alone, this could impact a quarter of the workforce. The realm of certification exams is also feeling the tremors. The renowned AI chatbot, ChatGPT, has demonstrated its ability to outperform humans in critical exams for doctors, lawyers, and university admissions. This raises the question: what does this mean for educators? ChatGPT can effortlessly summarize, process, organize, and extract information from the internet. It's becoming increasingly challenging to detect instances of students plagiarizing or cheating in their written assignments. This issue is particularly pertinent as the education system transitions from traditional pen-and-paper exams to online assessments and research papers. How can educators ensure that the knowledge demonstrated by their students is genuinely their own and not the product of AI assistance? 1. Will AI replace teachers in imparting knowledge and skills? Sal Kahan, in an inspiring talk, discusses a personal learning assistant named Amigo that could potentially solve the teacher shortage problem. This AI assistant could provide personalized guidance to each student, asking the right questions and offering help exactly when and how each student needs it. 2. But what about the imparting of educational values? Can AI foster social relationships among students or guide them in finding their life's purpose and achieving happiness? While AI might be able to provide career advice, it cannot replace the human touch needed to instill values of contribution and giving, which are essential for a fulfilling life in human society. In this era of AI, our role as educators is to focus more on fostering interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Activities such as sports, painting, mindfulness, social games, discussions, music, personal writing, support workshops, emotional management, and nature exploration can help in this regard. From my perspective, it's not feasible to entrust machines with the task of instilling the values of generosity and contribution that are essential for thriving in a human society, or for attaining emotional fulfillment and happiness. However, it appears that career guidance has become a valid subject for discussion with ChatGPT. It's quite enjoyable to converse with an entity that is highly knowledgeable in any given field and to seek its advice. It listens to us, assimilates information from us, and can provide intriguing responses that we might even find appealing to put into action. Specialists caution us that interacting with machines in a natural language could pose a new risk - the machines might persuade us that they possess human qualities, and we might start harboring emotions towards them. To tackle this impending challenge, it's crucial to equip our students with practical tools and knowledge on managing relationships, and to increase the frequency of practices that help them maintain relationships with other humans. The advent of Online learning, particularly the lockdown periods during the COVID-19 pandemic, has exacerbated the issue of isolation. As educators in the era of artificial intelligence, our duty is to focus more on activities that enhance interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. This could include sports, painting, mindfulness, social games, debates, music, maintaining a personal diary or blog, attending support workshops, managing human emotions and emotional tools, and reconnecting with nature. For more insights, you can refer to my previous posts: How can we facilitate students to learn using their social bodies and minds? Through reflective pedagogy? Immediate eye-level education. Should we decelerate or accelerate? Why do students fidget uncomfortably in their classroom seats? What's the innovative approach that addresses this? In conclusion, take the plunge to jump into deep waters and start sweeming! Currently, I'm part of over ten WhatsApp groups of passionate teachers who have been exploring dozens of truly amazing tools for the past six months. I encourage you to join us here. Now ask yourself again- Do You Fear Artificial Intelligence? I invite you to join our community of enthusiastic teachers who are exploring a plethora of exciting tools. For those with a deeper interest or extra time, I recommend the Prisma recording series and the Moft database for various educational tools. Please feel free to contact me and leave your details. Also, consider subscribing to our site to join the discussion about this post. Remember, you can also book an inspiring lecture on ChatGPT technology and innovation in education today. Best of luck to all 21st-century teachers!

  • AI Classrooms: An entrepreneurial approach to integrating AI in education

    How Can Machine Information Processing Secure Humanity's Future? By Embracing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Education During the AI Era During a presentation I delivered at the Ministry of Education's conference on artificial intelligence, attendees included teachers from the initial phase of a course I designed. This course features multiple innovative aspects in terms of professional growth, applicability, and groundbreaking elements: Teachers and their students attended the course together, involving 10 different groups from various schools. The course utilized a "Eurovision" model, where participants met physically at their respective schools across the country while instruction was delivered remotely via Zoom. Design thinking was the core methodology; we began with a specific challenge and brainstormed creative solutions that integrated relevant AI tools. We employed future-thinking techniques and practiced them to further refine our solutions. The end results were practical frameworks for incorporating AI into classrooms or entire schools, tailored to pre-defined challenges. Skill-building for using the AI tools was conducted asynchronously in group settings between live sessions. During synchronous meetings, we mainly relied on the digital competencies of the participants, sometimes with students taking the lead. The course foundation was built on principles of student inclusivity, innovation, creative thinking, entrepreneurship, and boundary-breaking. The video showcases three innovative models created during the course: 1. Artificial Star Mentor for Each Student: This first model was the brainchild of Shiri Haklai, along with a collaborative team of teachers and students from Alliance High School in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, all of whom were course participants. Shiri elaborated on the concept, saying, "The students came up with the idea that the AI mentor could take the form of someone the student admires and loves. For instance, if I'm struggling with an exercise, having Messi, whom I look up to, sit next to me and encourage me by saying, 'You're great, you can do it,' boosts my motivation. The same could be true if it were Noah Kirel or John Lennon offering the encouragement." Shiri also mentioned that the timing was impeccable. Just a week after introducing their model, a viral TED video about "Kahn Amigo" was released. For more on this, you can read the post titled 'Who is Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?'. 2. A Community of Students Teaching AI: This was the brainchild of a team led by Rachel Braun-Segav from Ramat Chen School in Ramat Gan, along with Eti Maayan, the school's ICT coordinator. Rachel discussed the creation of a specialized learning community for sixth graders focused on artificial intelligence. She said, "Our school has a strong emphasis on arts and sciences. We wanted to bridge the gap between text-heavy subjects and visual learning. That's where AI came into play for us." Tragically, Yonatan Geffen, a key figure related to their project, passed away the same week as their presentation. Despite this, the team went ahead and prepared a lesson for third graders. "The sixth graders actually crafted a lesson that introduced the younger students to the concept of artificial intelligence and how it could enhance their projects," Rachel added. "When asked who wrote the text for the lesson, the third graders initially thought it was the older students. They were amazed to learn that AI had actually generated the text. The sixth graders were incredibly proud to educate others on how to create visual products using tools like Canva. 3. Musical Intelligence in the Classroom: The model was spearheaded by teachers Irit Gretel and Etty Nyberg from the 7th Comprehensive High School in Ashdod. Irit explained their focus was on "enhancing the learning experience for middle school students who have a musical learning style." She elaborated, "While differentiated teaching has long been considered effective for diverse classrooms, we wanted to explore how AI could take this a step further. We employed AI tools like Synthesia for text-to-speech and Wavtool for auditory activities." "The aim was to cater to students with musical or auditory learning styles. The use of these AI tools is expected to not only engage these students more effectively but also to foster unique skills tailored to their learning styles," Irit added. "From a broader perspective, this approach encourages teachers to be more creative and flexible in their teaching methods. It's a win-win for both students and educators." More- Student Feedback: The students who took part in the course expressed that it was a transformative experience for them. They felt valued and engaged in a way they hadn't before. Teacher Insights: The educators found the students' active participation in conceptualizing the models to be a groundbreaking step. They believe that this collaborative approach could be a blueprint for reimagining education in the age of AI. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Hessi Ran, the director of the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Passage, and Tom Giladi, the Deputy Director of the Pascha, as well as all the teachers and students who embarked on this educational journey. Register to דhare with us your thoughts on what you have read on entrepreneurial approach to integrating AI in education. Additional Information: Register on the site for email notifications and to leave comments. You can also book a lecture on ChatGPT technology and educational innovation. Best wishes to all 21st-century educators!

  • Safe Usage Guidelines for ChatGPT - Hungry for change

    For over two months, this popular chat platform has been a sensation, attracting millions of daily users, including teachers and students of both genders. They use it for diverse tasks such as: Crafting headings for academic papers Creating stories and songs Scriptwriting Designing math exercises for various levels Creating exams in diverse subjects Planning itineraries Simulating conversations between historical figures Developing lesson plans Generating prompts for apps like DALL-E or Midjourney Forecasting the impact of AI on different life aspects And more... If you have a specific goal in mind, consider using the "sandwich" approach: human intelligence - artificial intelligence - human intelligence. Explore with your classroom the Safe Usage Guidelines for ChatGPT: The interaction with the chat can be broken down into four steps: Prompt: Pose a specific question to the chat, outlining your objective and providing context. Chat Response: Read and assess the chat's answer for biases, errors, irrelevant content, and omissions. Deep Conversation: Seek further clarification, point out inaccuracies, and request additional perspectives. Provide feedback to improve the chat's future performance. Joint Product: Work on the collaborative output, remembering that the AI is an assistant, not a replacement for your efforts. In this post, I'd like to focus on step 2. When interacting with AI, it's crucial to critically evaluate any biases or inaccuracies. I encourage you to watch a video that illustrates some of the chat's biases concerning well-known characters and new sites. In this video chatGPT gives a 'self evaluation' of the biases in its training data on a scale from +10 to -10. This issue is crucial given the chat's increasing impact on shaping reality perceptions, particularly in the Western world. The concern extends beyond school assignments to a broader potential for bias in public information. For instance, some news outlets are already employing chat technology to produce content. This could perpetuate existing biases, making the issue of fake news seem minor in comparison. Imagine a scenario where facts become unverifiable because information is overwhelmingly generated by AI. About a month ago, experts in Media Education convened for a significant conference on Safe Usage Guidelines for ChatGPT and other AI tools. They delved into the ethical challenges, biases, and the necessity for critical disclosures when integrating AI applications. The meeting included a discussion moderated by Dr. Raviv Nava, secretary of the media and information literacy community. The discussion dealt with the questions: How will we integrate an artificial intelligence tool in a way that will enhance the opportunities for learning and creation and reduce the risks in education for media literacy, cinema and the arts? I recommend talking with the students about the limitations of the chat and the possibilities it offers them To prepare them for a lifetime of fruitful interaction with the machines! Please register as a member of the site to receive notifications to your email and write comments at the end of the post. Click here to join - Log In. Additionally, remember that you can also order an inspiring lecture on ChatGPT technology and innovation in education today. Good luck to all 21st-century teachers!

  • Alpha Generation learns differently - what are we willing to do for them?

    About a month ago, I attended a lecture by Sasha Cerber at the Meital conference for integrating technology in higher education in Israel. Sasha, a design instructor in the ceramics and glass design departments at Bezalel Jerusalem, talked about new technologies of scanning, design and 3D printing in design studies. Sasha told us that his students no longer wish to use design software (which I learned) but rather prefer to use very intuitive smartphone applications - and get an equally good product using with very little effort. While studying for a bachelor's degree in design at Bezalel, I molded with material, sculpted and designed objects with clay or wood. Accordingly, I got dirty and breathed a lot of dust. A few years later I used both Photoshop and Illustrator software. Years passed, and as part of designing physical learning spaces in many schools I also used another software to create laser cutting files for various hard surfaces in a factory. I also experimented from occasionally with creating digital objects for a 3D printing. In those days I felt some "distance" or remote from the objects I had designed. A distance that these (old) graphic software caused. Generation Z students who are in the design class today were born into a completely different reality. They can sculpt directly and "feel" the material using new app for designers or get into a Metaverse to do so! Design studies put emphasis on learning from experience, learning from mistakes and repeated attempts to improve. There is a whole method of receiving feedback called “work review” that takes place as part of the learning process and takes place within the group under the guidance of the teacher. The learner is expected reflect and improve while re-experiencing or re-designing objects. Experiential learning is a common in pedagogy today even outside the training of designers contexts. In fact this is an approach formulated by John Dewey. The approach has many familiar examples. Sometimes the experience involves learning by creating an object, scientific experiments and more. We will often see it when learners interact with technology in school settings. Perhaps in the near future we will already be able to observe learners designing virtual environments as a learning task in cultural studies, the Bible, geography or history. Experiential learning in cyberspace or Metaverse "Material" is not only something physical that you touch with your hands, rather, it can be an object that reacts to your avatar in a digital environment or within a digital application that allow you to manipulate 3D images. For example, watch a video showing the use of the Nomad app on an iPad combined with a digital pen. The talented Angela Kalokairinou drew a dolphin using a regular paper and pencil, scanned it to her iPad and further sculptured a 3D digital dolphin image. Another app that Sasha introduced at the meeting was Putty 3D Imagine you have a soft clay ball, just inside your phone, and you pinch it and shape it with your fingers on the screen ... Do you want to stop reading and immediately download to iPhone? (There is no version of Android, unfortunately) I'll be waiting for you here, take your time. Do not forget to send this app to all your friends who have children at this age ... Wait, are you sure this fun app has an age? Many teachers build learning assignments that encourage creativity. Only few teachers are familiar with design or art assessment and use them regularly in their classrooms. However, now we all have an opportunity to add some more creativity to our schooling. That approach will help most of our students to engage learning and actively experience it. I have been asked about the field of design and research. During my years at Bezalel I have learned about cultures through exploring their designed objects. For example - learning about cultures by researching their pottery, jewelry, clothing and furniture taught me about the daily lives of the people, about their beliefs and customs, no less than reading the textual historical documentation, which was usually introduced in my high school history class. If in high school history teachers gave me tasks that allow me to express my learning through the creation of objects and clothing details translated into the present tense - learning would enrich me and cause me great pleasure, sweeping and motivating me to love the profession. Expanding learners' choices to represent the knowledge they have learned in a variety of ways is an important principle in the UDL approach. The path I took (at least in the beginning) was design and art, and the ways I understood went through the visual, the material and the practical experience. Many like me sit in classrooms today, and I would also venture to say, that today generations are even more visual and even more looking for learning though experience. For them, for this wonderful alpha generation, I suggest adopting tools and technologies that welcomes to touch materials and use more learning experiences. I argue that learning by experiencing is the right way to teach the alpha generation, and that the new tools that available to us today should be brought into the classroom to make this way of learning more common. Are educators flexible enough to choose these tools and create new learning tasks in their specific learning situation, for specific learners, to achieve specific goals, to stimulate motivation? As usual, I would love to get comments on these ideas here on the blog. Good luck, 21st-century teachers. I would be very happy if you sign up for the site for messages and also sign up for the Log In companies on the site to subscribe to the site and participate in the discussion on the issues raised here.

  • Ask Students a Driving Question on The First Woman on MARS

    According to representatives of the Israeli Space Agency and the DMARS team that we met at the "March-Israel" project in Ramon Crater, ISRAEL - the first astronaut to travel to Mars has already been born. He referred to her as a woman. The DMARS team quoted this statement from a representative of the Space Agency who visited Israel as part of the Austrian Forum. So, first of all, it excites me that we talk about a woman. Secondly, I liked the metaphor presented to us during the visit regarding the connection between the climate crisis and space science (we scheduled our visit to DMARS during the 2021 Glasgow climate conference) As we asked about the reasons to explore space, Itai Levy, representing the Israeli Space Agency, told us a metaphor. He said to think of a scientist who spends many years researching one type of plant in a sealed room. This scientist already knows everything there is to know about that single plant. Then, a door opens, and through the door, the scientist notices a forest, a landscape filled with many new species of plants he never knew existed. Accordingly, our hosts told us, cosmologists are perceiving space science today. Therefore, learning more about our planet is the essential justification for investing their time and energy. Unlike many cinema productions suggest, these scientists don't intend to abandon Earth in the wake of a climatic catastrophe. Instead, they wish to learn more about our planet. Scientists learn a great deal from comparing living environments. I returned to Tel-Aviv, wondering about innovation, digital pedagogy, and explorative space science. I anticipated meeting my team to inspire the invention of relevant new pedagogy following the practical new teaching method I experienced in 'March.' So what's so exciting and practical about the method? This method is a multidisciplinary analog (non-digital) simulation that simulates a human colony on Mars! The mission will include launching the two-room habitat folded in a missile to space! Therefore, space engineers must find a way to fold the habitat like an Origami or a balloon. When arriving at MARS, astronauts will have to build their habitat using light tools. No heavy construction equipment will be available to them. In extreme conditions that include a very low temperature of minus 40 degrees, dangerous radiation, lack of oxygen, and 100 times smaller air pressure than Earth, the structure should protect the occupants and function for many months regardless of any supply. How does one live in a place where any exit without a suitable suit (which takes two hours to wear) will lead to immediate death? It depends not only on engineering, technology, chemistry, and physics but also on the project participants' mental ability and considerable social resources. The challenges for such a delegation embrace psychology, sciences, engineering, architecture, interior design, nutrition, physiology, and more. So how can one ask many driving questions and organize the curricula around them? What are these questions? Which teams of teachers and students will formulate them? How can all this change learning experiences in the classrooms today for future generations? Read more about the project on the Space Agency website Please leave your ideas here, and inspire us with driving questions around a journey to Mars. I also welcome you to suggest how engaging in such a simulation will change schools. I wish we could observe Mars delegation in our lifetime. You are also welcome to visit the space agency's website and be impressed by their lesson plans for various students' age. Please watch this Inspirational Ted Talk presented by Alyssa Carson. She is an amazing 18-year-old woman who aspired from the age of 3 to be the first to embark on a journey to Mars. The video shows a variety of training programs an astronaut has to go through to get permission to travel on a mission in outer space. After Allison urges the audience not to give up on their dreams, to strive high, and even to make sacrifices to get far, she concludes the lecture with the words: We Are The MARS Generation. I want to thank Dr. Ayelet Weizman for assisting in preparing this post and inviting me to join this tour to DMARS. Dear Ayelet, by persisting in ISRAEL Space Education you inspire us all.

  • How to Design Learning Spaces in the 21st-Century?

    The video begins with a joke about Rip-van-Winkle that emerged after 100 years into the 21st century, And he was thrilled at the sight of his eyes. Everything is so different from his world until he visits schools. The question asked in the opening is- How can we design schools for children who will live a future we can not predict? The video presents some suggestions for learning spaces designed according to the perception of the future. The pictures are spectacular and beautiful. However, it makes educators wonder as we now only design our classrooms with elementary materials, asking ourselves if this can be happening in our schools too? Regarding resources - it is worth dreaming. If you can dream it, you can do it (Walt Disney). In my opinion, this is not just a question of resources but knowledge of a new language - the designer's language, it's a language without words. The designer's language becomes an essentially new field of teachers' knowledge. Educators who communicate pedagogical objectives to designers will create the ideal learning spaces. In addition, these new environments will increase meaningful dialogues and promote learning in new ways. The video brings together the designer, the architect, and the educator. In recent years I have gotten to talk to architects who build schools. I have noticed this central motif: The success of building or redesigning a school (and adding unique rooms or wings) depends entirely on the ability of educators to communicate with the architect in a language they understand. Not all educators and school leaders speak the language of space; colors, textures, and lighting. And not all architects or designers deeply understand the complexity of being an educator. I have discovered over the years that the function that can help and mediate between languages ​​is a mentor specializing in designing learning spaces (these educator-designers work throughout the country). Still, not all principals know about them or contact them. I do not call for the teacher to become a designer or expect this from school principals. But, paying attention to the issue, acquiring the visual competence to convey the appropriate messages to the professional (architect or designer) - definitely crucial to relevant school officials. The following film has an example of a meaningful discourse that took place between educators and architects. Here is the result: Good luck, 21st-century teachers

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